Project 365, days 278 – 284

Another week has gone by super fast, and this weeks project 365 is a real mixed bag. 

Project 365, days 278 - 284

Project 365, days 278 - 284

Project 365, days 278 - 284

Project 365, days 278 - 284

Project 365, days 278 - 284

Project 365, days 278 - 284

Project 365, days 278 - 284


Day 278 – We have been practicing making some treats for Halloween, and I am quite pleased with this Ghostly Halloween Cake!

Day 279 – Freddie and Floss went to the vets to be neutered today. They are absolutely fine, but Floss is definitely NOT impressed with having to wear a collar.

Day 280 – An alternative use for the cat box.

Day 281 – It’s Harvest Festival time again, and I am so proud of this boy for standing up and speaking out so clearly.

Day 282 – Max’s new favourite game – posting things out the letterbox!

Day 283 – Out for a ride on the SmarTrike.

Day 284 – After a morning shopping, cooking and cleaning, some fresh air was needed by all, so the fishing nets came out and we headed to the river to see what we could catch.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky



  1. October 11, 2014 / 8:02 pm

    Love the last photo of the kids fishing, lovely moment. Floss might not be impressed, but what a beautiful cat! My little girl went through a phase of posting things out the letter box too 🙂
    Sara (@mumturnedmom) recently posted…Project 365: 278-284My Profile

  2. October 12, 2014 / 9:47 am

    Fishing in the river looks fun and that Halloween cake looks great!

    • kate
      October 12, 2014 / 11:04 am

      Thank you – fishing in the river was so much fun – wet, happy kids!

  3. October 16, 2014 / 1:42 am

    oh no .. good luck trying to keep things in the house now he can post them outside .. Joshua used to shout morning at the postman and hiya to the bin men! lol
    Jaime Oliver recently posted…My Messy KidsMy Profile

  4. October 17, 2014 / 10:41 am

    the wellies and the fishing net look like a fun pastime, did you catch much – not that the kids seem to care. Laughed at the reverse postman, need to remember not to leave anything you want kept lying around or out it goes.
    Thats a great use for the cat basket.
    Elaine Livingstone recently posted…My afternoon at the Glasgow Bake Off.My Profile

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