Project 365, days 348 – 354

Less than a week until Christmas, and I think we are sorted – the presents are wrapped, the turkey is ordered and the crackers and chocolates are hidden away in the cupboard, ready for the big day. Today we are making mince pies for Santa and enjoying a bit of family movie time – The Polar Express is top of the list!

So, here we are, almost at the end of 2014, and this is the LAST project 365 post before Christmas!

Project 365

Project 365

Project 365

Project 365

Project 365

Project 365

Project 365

Day 348 – today the children met Santa in his grotto, had a chat with him about Christmas, what they would like, and received a present. Love this grotto, as the presents appear from the chimney, with the kids names on, as they watch. Magical.

Day 349 – The local garden centre has an amazing Christmas section, and Gemma and Jacob love exploring, and looking at all the lights and the giant polar bears!

Day 350 – Christmas play. Jacob was a camel in this years play, and did a great job with his singing and dancing.

Day 351 – When we went to see Santa, Jacob was given a modelling kit, and today he was painting and decorating the model cars.

Day 352 – Max’s first babyccino in Costa – I think he liked it!

Day 353 – Jacob engrossed in a game on the iPad and Max trying to copy him by pressing random buttons on the DS. Lol

Day 354 – It’s definitely Christmas when the Quality Street are opened…

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky



  1. December 20, 2014 / 8:22 pm

    Lovely photos! I especially love the photo with the polar bear at the garden centre and your little camel 🙂
    Sarah W (@sarahMo3W) recently posted…Project 365: Week 51My Profile

  2. December 21, 2014 / 2:58 pm

    what nice Christmassy pics. love the pressing the buttons trying to copy, but we al learn by copying. Good grief at costa (fortune) making kids drinks, talk about miking a market.
    Hope you all have a great Christmas and look forward to seeing your post at the other side of it.
    Elaine Livingstone recently posted…Project 365 week 51 14th – 20th DecemberMy Profile

  3. December 27, 2014 / 12:17 am

    Such fun Christmas photos, the second one of hte pair of them is great fun.

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.
    TheBoyandMe recently posted…Merry Christmas!My Profile

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