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Less than a week until Christmas, and I think we are sorted – the presents are wrapped, the turkey is ordered and the crackers and chocolates are hidden away in the cupboard, ready for the big day. Today we are making mince pies for Santa and enjoying a bit of…

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My kids love playhouses, and we have almost always had the plastic versions – they are fairly cheap, they last pretty well and they are easy to put together. But let’s be honest here, they don’t really compare to the gorgeous wooden versions that you see, and that I have…

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Before I start, let me just say that I try to be open-minded about all parenting approaches.  Variety is great, I embrace it and as long as you are confident that you can produce a reasonable and well-rounded adult at the end of it that is fine. But sometimes, very…

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Yesterday, we took the children to see Santa at Otter Nurseries. This is somewhere that we go every year, as it is such an amazing Santa’s Grotto with so many extra fun features. This year was extra special, as it was Max’s first trip to see Santa. We started with a…

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