Hand drawn toy portrait review

Most children have a ‘special’ cuddly thing – it might be a teddy, a stuffed animal, a blanket or a muslin cloth. Whatever it is, it is special to them. Max’s favourite toy is a zebra cuddly toy, which he was sent when he was very tiny, and has come with us pretty much everywhere since that day. In fact we now have 3 or 4 zebras – it means I can wash them in rotation, and means that we have a spare should one go missing!

Jenny Causebrook-Moss offers a very unique service that I have not come across before – a hand drawn illustration of your childs favourite toy, that you can treasure forever and display for your little one to see all the time. A really lovely idea, and a wonderful keepsake as your child grows.

Jenny Causebrook Moss toy portrait

I sent Jenny a picture of Max’s beloved zebra – he is a bit of a funny shape and not something I could even dream of drawing, so I couldn’t wait to see what the result was – and we were not disappointed! Max’s zebra has been recreated on paper, just the way he looks in real life. Jenny has captured the smiley face, the uneven stripes, and somehow has managed to make the image look soft and cuddly. As soon as we opened the parcel, Max pointed and said ‘Zebby’ – so he obviously recognised his special toy!

Jenny Causebrook Moss toy portrait

Jenny Causebrook Moss toy portrait

You can’t see too well in the photos, but Max is beaming. He adores the portrait, and often fetches his zebra, then stands pointing at the picture. It’s clear that he can put the two together, which just shows how well Jenny has recreated him! 

The picture is now proudly displayed in Max’s bedroom, opposite his bed where he can see it every night before he falls asleep. The older children think the picture is fantastic too, and will often sit and chat to Max about it, and make up stories about what Zebra might be up to that day. It’s a really wonderful addition to our home, and will be kept forever, long after the real zebra has been forgotten.




  1. January 5, 2015 / 7:16 pm

    I LOVE this portrait it is SO lovely and glad to see he loves his Corporate Baby Zebras!

    • kate
      January 5, 2015 / 7:28 pm

      It’s his favourite toy Lara, he just adores it. It comes everywhere.

  2. January 6, 2015 / 8:03 am

    Oh wow, that is such a great idea, and what an amazing portrait.
    Oh I will definitely be looking in to this when Boo picks a favourite teddy/toy, she seems to flit between them all at the minute =)
    Baby Chaos recently posted…Review and Giveaway – Haberman Anywayup CupsMy Profile

  3. January 6, 2015 / 8:29 am

    What a lovely idea! My girls have special items. R’s is her toy dog and blanket. M’s is her daddy’s short which she brings everywhere with her and her blanket! #Triedandtested
    Emily recently posted…Pocket Money Cookery BookMy Profile

  4. January 6, 2015 / 8:48 am

    This is a lovely idea. I’d love to have something like that but Matthew doesn’t have a favourite cuddly toy at the moment. Once he does I think I’m going to get this done. I always like to have stuff like that hanging around the house. Very special. #Triedandtested
    Janine recently posted…Acer Laptop – ReviewMy Profile

  5. January 6, 2015 / 12:09 pm

    what a truly lovely idea and something that can be cherished forever. So sweet #triedtested
    Mummy Melton recently posted…Grobag – ReviewMy Profile

  6. January 6, 2015 / 12:29 pm

    THIS IS AMAZING. I am already off to get one for Missy Moo as she has this duck that looks more like a giraffe but she loves it so much and we keep having to buy new ones over and over as it gets that dirty. This would be great for her room too! A great keepsake. I have never seen something like this. What a fab idea. Great review. Glad to be back on blogging and with triedandtested!
    Jenny recently posted…Food storage solutions with OxoMy Profile

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