Project 365 2015, week 7

Another week gone by – I don’t know where the time is going. It’s been an exciting week, as we headed to hospital for our 20 week scan. The children also broke up from school on Friday, so we are looking forward to a week of half term fun. Here is this weeks project 365:


20 weeks bump


20 weeks (3)





Day 39 – The sun made an appearance today so we headed to the park where Max spent ages sliding and Gemma and Jacob raced around the grass and climbed to the very top of the climbing net.

Day 40 – I am 20 weeks pregnant. You can read my latest update here.

Day 41 – Gemma had some help with her game playing today

Day 42 – Today was 20 week scan day. Everything was normal on the scan, and it appears we have a very bendy baby!

Day 43 – Max discovered the red noses I had bought for Gemma and Jacob. He thought they were hilarious and kept putting them on and shouting ‘nooooose’

Day 44 – Today was a non pupil day and Max was really happy to have his play mates home.

Day 45 – It’s Valentines Day, and I have been spoilt with a big box of chocolates and some beautiful flowers.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky



  1. February 14, 2015 / 9:23 pm

    I find scan pictures so amazing still! Very bendy! Lovely flowers – hope you had a good one 🙂
    76 sunflowers recently posted…Project 365 2015 #7My Profile

  2. February 15, 2015 / 1:04 pm

    what a lovely bump shot this week lovely 🙂 hope you had a relaxing valentines and you’re getting some rest x
    Jaime Oliver recently posted…Silent Sunday 15/2/15My Profile

  3. February 15, 2015 / 2:54 pm

    maybe a gymnast in the making!! Not be long now till you need to change the picture at the top of your blog. Your a brave woman for sharing your picture, all I can say is that goodness social media did not exist when I was pregnant.
    Love the sibling cuddles, its so nice to see.
    Hope you enjoy your chocolates
    Elaine Livingstone recently posted…Project 365 week 6 and 7 1st- 14th FebMy Profile

  4. February 15, 2015 / 3:25 pm

    How exciting to have your 20 week scan! I remember them well and it’s so nice to see the difference in the baby from 12 weeks. Lovely flowers.
    LauraCYMFT recently posted…The Week That Was #7My Profile

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