Bump watch: 29 weeks

bump watch, 29 weeks, pregnancy

Another week, another bump watch 😉 Hope I am not boring you all!

It’s been a busy week here as the older children have been home on Easter holidays. It’s lovely to have them home, but with lots of trips to parks, scooter rides and garden play I am feeling ever so slightly worn out! I am noticing the back ache returning, probably due to lots of bending down, lifting and chasing around after 3 little ones. I have been enjoying the warmer weather though, it’s been lovely to be able to get outside more and it’s not yet too hot for me to feel uncomfortable.

My main niggle at the moment is heartburn. I had it mildly in my other pregnancies, but this time around it is far, far worse. It wakes me at night, I cannot lie down comfortably and it flares up after eating too. I have tried all the usual remedies such as milk, smaller meals and Gaviscon, but nothing has helped so I think it might be time to ask the doctor for something stronger. I am getting up in the morning exhausted after a very disturbed sleep, so I really do need some relief.

I have my routine midwife appointment later today, and while I am looking forward to hearing the baby and getting checked over, I am not looking forward to the blood test, anti-d injection and whooping cough vaccination that awaits me this time! I am wondering if I am slightly anaemic, as I am tired and breathless at times, but that could just be down to the size of the bump now. The blood tests will tell me more – I shall let you know next week what the results were.

I will be back in a week with my next update. You can read my 28 week post, and see my last scan pictures here.



  1. April 13, 2015 / 9:04 am

    Aww gorgeous bump! Almost making me broody again, although I don’t envy you the heartburn – hope the doctor can give you something that works. You must be exhausted though running round after 3 kiddies!!

    X Becca

  2. April 13, 2015 / 9:22 am

    That’s some bump! Do you know whether you’re having a girl or a boy? x

    • kate
      April 13, 2015 / 9:29 am

      No, we don’t know the sex – any guesses?

  3. April 13, 2015 / 1:16 pm

    Hope your appointment goes well. I asked my midwife about the Whooping Cough and she said that they don’t offer them anymore. Strange how each area is different!
    Pippa Ainsworth recently posted…Red Rose Baby 34 Weeks UpdateMy Profile

  4. April 13, 2015 / 2:35 pm

    Good luck with your midwife appointment and I hope the doctor can give you something to sort out the heartburn. Anything that’s stopping you sleep at this stage must be worth something a bit stronger than Gaviscon – you need every wink you can get! I hope you get a few rest breaks over the Easter hols x #MaternityMlondays
    Tin Box Traveller recently posted…My Daisy Birthing journey: part 1My Profile

  5. April 13, 2015 / 4:25 pm

    You don’t look like you will make it term to me Kate, that is one impressive bump!

  6. April 13, 2015 / 8:30 pm

    Aww even though you feel rubbish, you look amazing. The weeks are flying by. Hope it’s going as quick for you 🙂 #MaternityMondays
    Farmerswifeandmummy recently posted…#MaternityMondays Week 15My Profile

  7. April 13, 2015 / 11:04 pm

    Aww you look gorgeous. I remember the heart burn days – I was panicked unless I had Rennies in my pocket, and ice lollies in the freezer! All the best to you Kate xxx

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