Must have teething items

Teething can be tough. Fact. Your little one can’t tell you what they need, you don’t know the best thing to use, and it can often end with both of you in tears. Over the years I have discovered a few items that have made teething a much less painful experience.

Amber – I cannot recommend amber anklets highly enough. A natural way to ease teething pain, amber anklets have been a lifesaver for us. I don’t claim to know exactly how they work, but they do. They stop the red cheeks, the dribbling and the constant discomfort, and as an added bonus they have also helped to calm Max’s eczema flare ups. Amber is a staple for us, and we will certainly be using it again with the next baby.

must have teething items

Teething necklace – another option that has worked really well for us over the last few months. Teething necklaces are worn by the parent or carer, and have a rubber type chew toy on the end. This can be grabbed and chewed by the baby when they are being held. Not only does it soothe sore gums, it stops your little one grabbing other necklaces too!

must have teething items

Apple, cucumber and watermelon – I know this sounds a bit of a strange one, but chopping these into sticks and freezing them makes them into really soothing teethers. They are cold, easy for your baby to hold, and taste great too! They double up as cooling snacks on hot days, and so we always have a supply of these ready to go.

Teethers – there are so many different types on the market, it might be a bit trial and error to find the ones that work for your baby. We always found that Max liked the ones filled with water that could be popped in the fridge, and anything with a rough, bumpy texture. 

Dribble bibs – these are a bit of a teething essential in my book. Teething means dribble, and so you need a bib that will soak that up, stop clothes from getting saturated, and protect your baby’s chin from becoming damp and sore. We really like Funky Giraffe bibs, and have a bit of a stash now!

must have teething items

Anything cold – OK, this one sounds a bit silly, but we found that on the really awful days Max just wanted to eat cold things – the fruit and veg sticks mentioned above, yogurts, ice cold milk and juice and cheese sticks. I wouldn’t worry too much about what they do and don’t eat during teething – Max often lost his appetite and would just snack on bits and pieces, but within a day or two would be back to normal.

Medicines – If all else fails, sometimes you just have to fall back on medicines to help with the pain. We always have a ready supply of  Nelsons teething granules – a homeopathic remedy specially formulated for the soothing and calming relief of the symptoms of teething. It comes in ready-dose packets in a convenient granule format that simply dissolves in a baby’s mouth to help provide teething pain relief. Nelsons are the number 1 teething brand, and it’s easy to see why – the granules provide almost instant relief. 

Hopefully all of the above will make for a happy, smiling baby (and mum!) and make teething just that bit less painful. 

must have teething items

Nelsons teething granules contain a 6c homeopathic potency of natural Chamomilla. Nelsons Teetha Teething Granules cost £5.10 and are available from Boots, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda, Waitrose, Morrison’s and all good pharmacies. If you are concerned about any symptoms that your baby may have please consult your doctor. 

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  1. May 5, 2015 / 9:19 pm

    Amber teething anklet was a must with Annabelle. Some people thought they didn’t work but for her it really did. Great list of teething must haves! Thanks for linking up! #MMWBH

  2. colin Anderson
    May 9, 2015 / 11:53 am

    these do work trust me

  3. Victoria Prince
    May 10, 2015 / 8:47 am

    This is going to sound very strange, but a friend of mine swore by Bonio dog biscuits – they seemed to work!

  4. Minnie15
    May 10, 2015 / 9:24 am

    Useful post 🙂 I found The homeopathic remedy the most useful too – didn’t even need to try any other form of medicine! x

  5. Michelle Wild
    May 10, 2015 / 1:18 pm

    So sweet.

  6. bridie summersgill
    May 10, 2015 / 1:32 pm

    love the idea of frozen fruit

  7. May 10, 2015 / 5:34 pm

    I used the Nelsons Teething granules when my two were teething – the amber idea is interesting!

  8. Joanne Davis
    May 10, 2015 / 6:38 pm

    My sister in law used the old liquid filled teething ring with my nephew, she kept a few in the fridge for just in case 😀

  9. Karl Borowy
    May 10, 2015 / 10:18 pm

    teething gel

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