I can hardly believe I am writing this, but it’s been almost 3 years since I started blogging – 3 years! I honestly don’t know where the time has gone, and I can’t believe how much blogging has given me over those 3 years – an income, the chance to…

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Teething can be tough. Fact. Your little one can’t tell you what they need, you don’t know the best thing to use, and it can often end with both of you in tears. Over the years I have discovered a few items that have made teething a much less painful…

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December is a special month for me – it is the month that I started blogging, back in 2012. So much has happened since then, and blogging has changed my life in so many ways. To celebrate the last 2 years, and say thank you to you – the people…

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Max and Jacob both have eczema, and while Jacob’s is much more seasonal, Max’s is persistent and consistent. I hate seeing those large red patches with marks where he has scratched, as so I am constantly searching for new ways to manage the condition. I have put together a list…

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I have used amber a lot in the past – when Max was tiny and teeth were popping through an amber anklet was really helpful, eased his pain and combatted the excessive drooling. Since then, I have done a lot more reasearch into amber and the benefits it can have, and…

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