Having had 2 previous premature births, and with this baby being a bit of a tinker, I decided it was high time I packed my bags for the hospital. Baby could come any time now, and I want to make sure I have everything I need.
What’s in my bag?
- 2 pairs of pyjamas
- Lightweight dressing gown
- Slippers
- Towel
- Big knickers 😉
- 2 packs of maternity pads
- Nursing bra
- puzzle books and a book to read
- Loose fitting clothes for going home – maternity joggers and a tshirt
What’s in my wash bag?
- Hairbrush and hairbands
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Lip balm
- Dry shampoo
- Moisturiser
- Body spray
- Shower gel
- Shampoo and conditioner
I think it’s worth getting travel sized products for the hospital bag – you don’t want to carry any more than you have to! I am using a large holdall for all my bits and bobs.
What’s in the baby bag?
- Blanket
- Packet of first size nappies
- Baby wipes
- Red baby book
- Cardigan x 1
- Hats x 2
- Muslin cloths x 2
- Bibs x 2
- Bodysuits x 4
- Sleepsuits x 4
- Cord tie
We also have the car seat base installed in the car and I will put the car seat in too. I am using a Pink Lining Blooming Gorgeous change bag for all the baby’s things. They are surprisingly spacious, and there are lots of pockets to keep everything in order and easy to find on the day. The nappies, wipes and clothes are all in the main section of the bag. The cord tie is in a side pocket. The red baby book is at the back with the wipe clean changing mat that comes with the bag. The hats are in one interior pocket, the bibs and muslins in another. It’s all very neat and tidy and it should be easy to just grab what we need.
Not only does it work well as a baby bag for the hospital, it will have a second use as my changing bag once baby arrives – isn’t it just gorgeous? It’s one of those bags I don’t mind carrying everywhere because it’s so pretty to look at!
I feel a lot more organised now that the bags are packed, and at least if baby makes an early appearance we can just grab and go. Now I just need to pack some bags for the older children so we can drop that at my mums when the time comes. For now, I feel a bit more ready. That doesn’t mean you can come JUST yet baby, but at least when you do we have everything you need. We can’t wait to meet you.
Oh what a gorgeous bag! It’s the perfect size and so cute 🙂 Lots of luck!!! xx #triedtested
teacuptoria recently posted…Camping on Lake Ullswater
Aw I love this bag. I wish hospital bags were this pretty when I was pregnant 9 and 13 years ago. Many congratulations on the arrival of your new little girl #triedtested x
Tracey Williams recently posted…Our extended weekend
I love that changing bag, the pattern and colours are great. #TriedTested
I’m in love with your changing bag! It is indeed blooming gorgeous! Oh the excitement of it all. I can almost recall what it was like. Good luck! Look forward to seeing photos of your new little one 🙂 #triedtested.
Dean of Little Steps recently posted…Small Joys and Skin Toners
I love that bag, unfortunately for me there was nothing around like that when I had my boys. Congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous little girl xx
Cathy Glynn recently posted…50th Birthday at the Hilton Hotel at Bracknell
What a lovely bag, looks like you were well organised.
I took everything but the kitchen sink hehe!.
Congrats x
Jayne @ SMABL recently posted…Angelic Hen Signs Review
What a fab Baby Bag, I love the floral designs, perfect to brighten up your hospital room. A beautiful bag to match a beautiful baby girl, congratulations again.
I have always wanted a pink lining bag! No need for a changing bag these days though. Big congratulations xx
Louise (perry) fairweather recently posted…Pear and Halloumi Ciabatta
Oo I LOVE the print of this bag!!
Wow! That was lucky – packed just in time. Big congratulations and I hope you and baby are doing well xx #triedtested
All about a Mummy recently posted…Review: Bubabloon
I do love Pink Lining bags, they’re one of the few I’ve not yet tried though! I hope it all worked well for you when your gorgeous girl made her arrival, I wish I’d known about cord ties last year, next time!xx #triedtested
Hannah Budding Smiles recently posted…Little Dish Toddler Meals Review
The print on that bag is just gorgeous, I had a pink lining changing bag when Oliver was a baby and I loved it.
I love the changing bag – gorgeous – congratulations on the birth of your little girl – brilliant news 🙂 #TriedTested
Mudpie Fridays recently posted…Alphabet Boxes for Preschoolers
I remember the woman next to me got rushed in and had no hospital bag. Her husband took her clothes home but never bought any back so five days later she went home in her pyjamas!
Ness @ JibberJabberUK recently posted…Mash Direct Vegetable Burgers – review
What a lovely bag. Good job you got it packed in time. Congratulations. And I’ve just read and enjoyed one of Sophie Kinsella books – Shopaholic and Sister, so I may have to look out for the one you have #TriedTested
Yet Another Blogging Mummy!!! recently posted…Personalised Gift Solutions review and giveaway
It’s a good job you got organised in plenty of time – you were right that you would be needing your bags soon! Pink Lining bags look like they’re a great size and layout but the patterns/designs are just not my style at all unfortunately!
tobygoesbananas recently posted…The one where everything seems a bit crap
Such careful preparation and planning. I hope that my husband and I are as coordinated as you when the time comes! But of course Congratulations! I hope you and your baby are doing splendidly.
Ooh that changing bag is gorgeous! Such a pretty fabric. Obviously you’ve had your little bundle now so all set going forward too! x
suzanne3childrenandit recently posted…MAD? Apparently So.
I love my blooming gorgeous chaning bag, they are fantastic, and we are still using ours and it looks fab now that Boo is 18 months old =)
Jenni – Odd Socks and Lollipops recently posted…Ash End House Children’s Farm
Ah, this feels like such a long time for us now even thought it was only 10 months ago. The bag looks nice, but it’s a little bit manly for me 🙂
The DADventurer (Dave) recently posted…5 Ways A Baby Can Be Used For Exercise