Project 365 2015, week 31

The first week of the school holidays has been a fairly quiet one. We have enjoyed a few chilled out days at home doing board games, puzzles and colouring and have also had a few fun filled days at the local adventure playground. The kids had a dentist check up on Friday – Max’s first time – and everyone was given a clean bill of health and a sticker. I can hardly believe we are in August already, and on week 31 of project 365.

project 365

Day 200 – We were out shopping for my new computer today, and stopped for a bit of lunch. This was just before Max dropped his drink all over the floor.

Day 201 – A bit of bedtime reading

Day 202 – A strange way to sleep – upside down and clutching a book and a handful of pens!

Day 203 – Eliza is 8 weeks old. How did that happen?!

Day 204 – We have been reviewing a Riverford recipe box and today we had a go at making the tomato and mozzarella tart.

Day 205 – I had some help reviewing the Graco Nimble Nook travel cot today.

Day 206 – Bubbles in the garden.



  1. chickenruby
    August 2, 2015 / 2:59 pm

    lovely photo of the baby, how cute is she?

  2. August 2, 2015 / 10:05 pm

    I am often amazed at the position some children sleep in.
    Oh dear at the dropped Pepsi..messy…..
    My fav is the pic of them reading together, and Eliza in looking very alert now.
    Elaine Livingstone recently posted…Project 365 week 31My Profile

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