Encouraging creativity in kids

creative kids

Photo Credit: Matthew and Tracie via Compfight cc

It’s important that kids understand how to be creative from a young age. Creativity is fun, it allows them to believe there are no boundaries to their imagination – which in this current environment of constant testing and technology is important – and it means they are never bored.

Schools and teachers don’t have the time for messy play anymore, which means kids are stuck learning rigid facts for end of year tests that are ultimately leaving them stressed and frustrated – just think back to the media coverage of this year’s SATs tests. Therefore, it is important that you encourage your children to be creative at home and here are a few ways you can do this:

 Get crafting

One of the simplest ways of inspiring creativity in kids is to get the home crafts out and sit them down and work on a small project together. This could be something as simple as hand print painting at Christmas to make a picture of Rudolph or pull out items they collected from a recent trip to the beach and supervise them with sticking these onto picture frames or memory boxes.

Remove the electronic devices

iPads and phones can limit a child’s creative process, as they simply follow instructions or watch, however take electronic devices away, hand a child a fancy dress outfit and encourage them to go play and you are encouraging creativity. This can also enhance social skills, which are of course of great importance.

Download creative apps

If you really can’t pull them away from their electronic devices at least have them playing an app that encourages them to be creative – it also means they can use their creativity on the go. Here are some great ones to consider:

Toca Hair Salon 2

Crayola Colouring Studio

LEGO® Juniors Create & Cruise

All three of these apps will allow your child to be creative, whether that means experimenting with colour or creating a really whacky hairstyle!

Get them in the kitchen

Food offers the perfect opportunity to get creative, if you’re feeling brave ask your kids to help you prepare dinner and give them complete free reign over the ingredients – actor Misha Collins can give you some idea of how this could turn out in his YouTube series.

Not only can an activity such as this encourage creativity, it can also encourage them to try more food. Why not go about making art with their lunch using carrot sticks and cucumber or asking them to come up with their own sandwich combinations.

Creative children will more than likely be more active, willing to try new things and never complain that they are bored as they can always find something to make or play with. It’s great experience for the future, as creativity also develops confidence, allows expression and could perhaps uncover a talent you didn’t know they possessed.

*This is a collaborative post*


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