The reality of family life

Family life isn’t always straightforward. In fact, I would go as far as to say straightforward isn’t the norm. No matter how well you plan, how well organised you are, how strict your routine, children can throw a spanner in the works. Toddlers have tantrums in the most inconvenient places. Kids lose shoes at the very moment you need to walk out the door. Your neatly packed car ready for a trip gets covered in ‘essential’ cuddly toys, 3 million pencils and squashed raisins. 

So, you need to be ready. Ready for whatever life throws at you. Ready to deal with the challenges each day might bring – and you never really know what those challenges will be! So remember:

Always carry a spare set of clothes:

The Bear Trail

Doing anything with children takes twice as long:



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Silence is golden. Unless you have a toddler. Then it means they are up to no good.


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 But also remember that it is very much worth it. Family life is hard, it’s unpredictable and it’s chaos. But it’s also colourful, fun and rewarding. There will be many, many days where you want to scream because you’ve had to turn back and collect a forgotten book bag – again. There will be days where you feel like lying on the floor in Tesco and joining your toddler in a tantrum (actually, do try this one day, the reaction of your little one is priceless), and there will be days where you feel like throwing the spaghetti bolognese straight on the floor and cutting out the middle man. 

But these days will be outweighed by the good days. The days where your tot makes you laugh so hard you think your sides will split. The days where a family day out goes to plan and you come home with pleasingly tired children, a camera full of snaps and a head full of great memories. The days your children wrap their arms round your neck, squeeze you tight and tell you you’re the best.

It’s all worth it.

Bassetts vitamins

Thanks to Bassetts Vitamins for sending us some vitamins to try. Here’s what Bassetts Vitamins have to say about their vitamin range: ‘At Bassetts Vitamins we know that family life is colourful and rarely straightforward. Family activities are a great opportunity to enjoy precious and active time together,  and we believe that families need to be ready and set to go, to deal with whatever challenges the day may bring. Our intention is to support families through the ups and downs of family life.’ 

You can learn more about Bassetts Vitamins here.

I am a member of the Mumsnet Bloggers Panel, a group of parent bloggers who have volunteered to review products, services, events and brands for Mumsnet. I have not paid for the product or to attend an event. I have editorial control and retain full editorial integrity. I have received a voucher in return for writing this post.



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