Organised Mess

I try as hard as I can to be organised when I am working from home. Blogging requires a lot of STUFF, but I like it all to have its own place. My desk is home to my computer, printer and a pot of pens. Underneath my desk is a storage area with canvas boxes. One of those is for printer paper, ink cartridges etc. One is for the camera, lenses and discs. The third contains any review items I am currently working through, and the final shelf is for folders containing invoices, contracts and any other paperwork I need for work. 

I think having the right desk and working area is so important for focus, and so I spent a long time researching office desks UK before I made my choice. I knew I needed something clean and modern with heaps of storage. 

Furniture at Work recently released this infographic, detailing what your zodiac sign says about how messy or tidy you are. I am a Taurus – described on here as organised, efficient and keen for everything to have its own place. Seems about right….

Furniture Work

Gemma has recently finished primary school, and we have been setting her up with a desk area in her bedroom ready for all the high school homework and studying. I can already see she is a typical Aquarius – she thinks about fun first and mess later. I can imagine exactly how her desk area will look when there is a school project on the go. She’s creative, but I just know that there will be pens, paper, glitter, glue and scissors all over the place! #OrganisedMess

Is the infographic right for you? Are you true to your zodiac sign, or are you breaking the mould?



  1. August 5, 2017 / 7:22 pm

    When I first moved in with my husband, I tidied up his house, which I thought would please him, he said that he knew where everything was until I tidied up!

  2. August 10, 2017 / 2:37 pm

    That is true, as much as we want to be organised sometimes it’s not so easy because our signs dictate a big part of our behaviour and lives.

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