Welcome to another Tuesday, and another Tried & Tested. The summer holidays are well and truly on the horizon – are you ready?
In case you are new here – let us tell you what Tried & Tested is all about. We all know how useful reviews can be. Most bloggers do them – be it things they have bought themselves or have been asked to review. They are a useful tool for people looking for honest and thorough reviews of products they need, things they are considering buying, or even to introduce people to exciting new products they have never even heard of. You can find out more about how to join in here.
If you have linked up with us before – welcome back! We love having you. Please have a quick read through the points below to remind yourself how things are working:
* Tried & Tested is open on Tuesday – from 8am to midnight on the same day.
* We’d love to share your post on Twitter – please tweet us your link (@Lollinski & @FamilyFever) along with the #TriedTested hashtag and we’ll retweet that for you.
* If you’d like a Twitter reminder each week when the linky is open then please drop Kate a tweet and she’ll add you to the list.
* Each week we feature our two favourite reviews from the past week and we have a super special “featured blogger” badge! If you are this week’s featured blogger we will send you over the code which we would love you to add to you blog post or sidebar!
That’s about it – it’s super simple to join in, so crack on, link up and share some commenty love – let’s face it, that’s what makes linkys work.
Last week we loved:
Space Journey Kid’s Subscription box from Odd Socks & Lollipops. My children find Space endlessly fascinating so I know they’d love this!
Skinny Jimmy’s Iced Coffee – Life According to Mrs Shilts. I love the idea of this low cal version of an expensive coffee shop treat!
We don’t have lots of rules for #TriedTested however the ones we do have are really important
* Please do make sure you visit your hosts Family Fever and We’re going on an adventure to leave a comment on the posts we have each linked up
* Try to comment on a couple of other posts as well if you can – we know that people really appreciate the feedback!
* We do ask that you link a maximum of 2 posts each week to keep things fair for everyone – if you choose to link up an extra post please make sure you visit extra posts in the linky to balance it out. (Additional or irrelevant posts will be deleted out of fairness.)
If you link up please do make sure you visit your hosts Family Fever and We’re going on an adventure to leave a comment as well as a couple of others if you can! We do ask that you link a maximum of 2 posts each week to keep things fair for everyone – if you choose to link up an extra post please make sure you visit extra posts in the linky to balance it out.
We do our best during the course of the week to visit you all, leave a comment. If you’d like us to share your review on twitter please tweet @FamilyFever and @Lollinski using the #TriedTested hashtag and we will gladly retweet it for you. We would of course love it if you grabbed our badge and popped it on your post too!

Thank you for hosting and featuring my review of the Skinny Iced Coffee! x