It’s a duvet and DVD day for my little Jacob today as he is not well, he has an infection and is now dosed up on antibiotics. He asked for a drink so I went into the kitchen and by the time I came back I found him like this:…

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I recieved another lovely parcel in the post today – a gorgeous Doublez reversible dribble bib. It has a lovely cow print design on one side and a funky green star design on the other, so should match a wide range of outfits! The bib feels super soft to touch,…

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I am interested to hear how much reading and or homework your children get, and what age they are?I have a daughter in Year 2, she is 7 years old. She gets a reading book every night and homework once a week, this will be either maths/science or English and…

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I recieved some gorgeous fluffy post this morning from the lovely people at Green Pomelo Nappies. Green Pomelo is a small family business based in London. It was started by a passionate mum, Su, who uses cloth nappies on her son.The nappy I recieved in the post this morning is this…

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