Welcome to the latest instalment in my blog series: Birth Stories. Today we have the story of Jenni from Odd Socks and Lollipops and Boo, and how this little girl came into the world underwater. I was pretty sure that my daughter was going to arrive before her due date, not really…

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Welcome to the latest instalment in my Birth Stories feature. Today Donna from What the Redhead Said is sharing her tale of two home births. I am so excited to share this post – my first home birth story! Looking back at when I was pregnant for the first time,…

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Welcome to the latest instalment in my Birth Stories feature. Today we have the birth of Roo, shared from his Dad’s perspective. Thanks to Alex from Random Geeky Dad for sharing this story When I discovered that Kate ran a feature based around childbirth stories, I though “well I’m a bloke but…

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Eliza Grace arrived in the world on 3rd June 2015 at 6.03pm weighing 6lb 6oz. She was 4 weeks early. After 3 previous emergency C sections we would have loved a calm, elective section on the booked date of 22nd June. However, as my pregnancy progressed it became obvious that…

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  Welcome to the latest installment in my new blog series: Birth Stories. I know how much people love to share their birth stories, and how much others enjoy reading them, so popping them all together in one place seemed to make sense! Today we have a the lovely Beth from…

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