This week has been all about the school Christmas plays and lunches, final bits of wrapping and a few cheeky toddler moments! This weeks project 365 – can’t believe it’s almost the end of the year!   Day 341 – Max found a pair of Gemma’s sunglasses, and despite the…

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How on earth is it December already? I am so proud to have made it this far in Project 365, I really thought I would give up halfway through, but it’s almost the end now! This week has been a fairly busy one, lots of end of term activities starting…

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Another weekend has rolled around, and that means it’s time for another Project 365 round up. This week has been a fairly quiet, everyday one but we have still captured some nice memories. Day 320 – We haven been busy building our new wooden playhouse today. It’s fantastic, and we…

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I apologise in advance – this weeks project 365 isn’t very exciting! It’s been an average week, nothing out of the ordinary happening – but as this is a record of our year that includes the ordinary as well as the exciting, right? Day 313 – These roses have lasted…

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Another week gone by. I can’t believe that Halloween and Bonfire Night have come and gone, and that we really are in the run up to Christmas. This weeks project 365 is a fairly usual week of school, clubs and a bit of firework fun. Day 306 – a quiet…

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