This week has been full of sports days, super hot sunshine and attempting to clear the playroom. That didn’t go quite as planned as Max was helping!  I can’t believe we are on day 200 of Project 365 – I never ever thought I would make it this far! Day…

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The weather this week has been glorious, and we have been out enjoying the sunshine as much as we possibly can. Day 187 – We spent the day at a lovely country park, and spotted this handsome fellow on the deer safari train! Day 188 – A visit to a…

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This week we have been busy welcoming our 2 new feline family members, Freddie and Floss, and enjoying the glorious sunshine! Day 180 – Max found one of Gemma’s hairbands and wore it for the rest of the day. Not sure if it’s really his colour? Day 181 – Scootering…

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This week has been the usual mix of school runs, clubs and getting back to normal after Britmums.  The beginning of the week saw the sun shine a lot, and so we got outdoors in the garden every day. Day 173 – Max loves his new seesaw – it was…

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It’s been a really, REALLY busy week! Day 166 – Max has changed so much lately – he has lost the baby look and has grown into a mischevious toddler! Day 167 – Gorgeous bunch of flowers, I just love the colours! Day 168 – Lovely flower and buds we…

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