I can’t believe we are in September and the kids are going back to school – Gemma into Year 5 and Jacob into Year 3. It’s been a busy week, trying to sort out all the boxes while we temporarily stay at my mums, and getting back into a school…

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This weeks project 365 has been a tough one to complete – we have been moving house from our property in with my parents as a temporary measure until our new house is built. I can’t say it’s been easy but it’s a necessity for now! Day 235 – Sibling love.…

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Week 35 already – this year is just disappearing! It has been a fairly busy week this week, we have started to pack up the house as it looks like we will be moving next week, but we have tried to do a couple of days out with the kids…

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Another week, another project 365 post. It is fast approaching the end of August and back to school – the kids are definitely ready to go back now. We went to get school shoes this week, so I am now officially poor. It has been a pretty miserable week weather…

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This week has been much better weather wise – the children have been able to get out and enjoy the fresh air. We have had a few trips to the Adventure Playground and the park as well as garden play and some scootering. Our mortgage offer arrived this week, which…

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