I have made it to week 42 of Project 365 – just 10 weeks to go. Didn’t think I would make it this far!  Day 285 – It was cold today – the cats were cuddled up for warmth. Day 286 – A stunning sunset by the harbour. Day 287…

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Another week has gone by super fast, and this weeks project 365 is a real mixed bag.    Day 278 – We have been practicing making some treats for Halloween, and I am quite pleased with this Ghostly Halloween Cake! Day 279 – Freddie and Floss went to the vets…

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It’s been a fairly typical week, with school, clubs and park visits, plus a huge milestone for Max! Day 271 – We went for a walk in the woods and found our first lot of conkers this autumn. Max loves them – he has been playing with them all week. Day…

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The year is flying by, and there are now less than 100 days left of Project 365. Taking a daily photo has become such a part of life now. Day 264 – A quick and easy sunflower lunch for Max – cheese on toast, cucumber and cherry tomatoes Day 265…

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I can’t believe I have made it this far through Project 365. I really thought I would have given up by now, but I am really enjoying it and taking a daily photo has become habit, and a lovely way of recording the ordinary moments. So, without further ado, here…

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