It has been a fairly quiet week after last weeks holiday. The children went back to school and Kevin had another week off work so we have been doing a lot of odd jobs around the house. Homebase got a few visitis this week – a typical week off work…

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It’s the very last week of the summer holiday already – I don’t know where the time has gone! This week has been a busy one for us – we have been away on a Haven Holiday to Presthaven Sands in North Wales. A lovely time was had by all…

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I can’t believe there is only one more week of the summer holidays – next week we are on holiday and then the children will be back at school! Week 5 of the summer holidays has been a fairly quiet one. Here is our Project 365, days 236 – 242.…

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Week 4 of the holidays already – where is the summer going?! It is also days 229 – 235 of Project 365. Day 229. Sunday – Today we packed up a picnic and went to Haldon Forest for a Gruffalo walk. The trail is 1.5 metres long, and has signs…

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Week 3 of the summer holidays (and days 222 -228 of project 365) and I am trying hard to keep it interesting for the kids. We have done a few different things this week, as well as the usual parks, crafts and garden play. Day 222, Sunday. This is never the…

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