Today on the blog I have a delicious recipe, thanks to Angela at The Life of Spicers. This is the sort of food we love to cook and eat – healthy, delicious and fairly simple, using store cupboard ingredients! Mince is a staple ingredient in our house due to the…

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Today I have a guest post from the lovely Jade – and she has a recipe today that has me drooling! Who wouldn’t want a pizza cake?! I’m Jade and I blog over at Late For Reality! I am super excited to be guest posting for the lovely Kate and thought…

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My kids LOVE ice lollies, of any kind, and in this hot weather they have been eating them by the bucket load. To try and keep them a bit healthy, we often make our own mixed fruit lollies. They are really simple, and you don’t need any special equipment –…

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My husband is a huge coffee fan – never a day goes by without several coffee cups ending up in the dishwasher. Me? Not so much – it’s not my drink of choice, but I do love to bake with coffee flavours. One of my favourite recipes is the coffee…

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Today on the blog I have a totally delicious sounding recipe from Karen who blogs over at Adventures of a Monkey Footed Mummy. This recipe sounds fresh and tasty, and is full of colour. I will definitely be giving this a go once we get settled! As I’ve mentioned before we’ve…

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