As much as I am a pushchair addict, sometimes a carrier is so much more practical, especially if you have a toddler to hang on to. If we are planning a quick pop round the shops or heading off for some park play, a baby carrier is so much more…

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Finding a baby carrier can be a bit of a minefield. Everyone has on opinion on the ‘best’ type to use and how you should be using it. IN reality, you have to go with what feels comfortable for you and your baby – and for us, and many others,…

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Having a newborn again has reminded me just how much ‘stuff’ they come with. In theory, all you need for a newborn are a pair of boobs and some nappies, but in practice there are lots of things that make life with a newborn and 3 other children much easier.…

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I love babywearing. I never really did it with my older 2 but Max has been carried on a fairly regular basis over the last 15 months. We have used a variety of carriers and wraps over that time (take a look here to see what we have used previously). I…

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I have used baby carriers before – stretchy wraps have always been my preferred choice for comfort and snugness. So when I was asked to review a Snugiwrap I decided to choose a classic Mei-Tai carrier, knowing that this would allow me to try a back carry as well as the front…

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