Well it’s 2013….already! Time really does fly once you have little ones!New Years Day was cold and wintry here, but we kept warm with a lovely dinner at hubby’s sisters house, followed by a gorgeous stroll round the Quay – kids rode their scooters, climbed trees and generally had a…

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Post Christmas mayhem is the only way to describe this week really lol! There has been lots of rearranging toys/furniture/playrooms to accomodate all the new toys – its a bit like doing a massive 3D jigsaw puzzle but with funny shaped pieces! I think everything now has a new home…

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Well, we survived Christmas! A wonderful time was had by all! Wrapping the kids main presents took us an age on Christmas Eve, but the kids faces when they came downstairs made it all worthwhile! After the usual Father Christmas, present overload, Christmas day saw us having a delicious roast…

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Phew! What a week! They are right about things happening in threes….. Hubby’s car went in for MOT at the beginning of the week, and typically the week before Christmas it failed – needed lots of work and cost me over £300! The next day, my washing machine broke –…

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Hi everyone, and welcome to my blog – FAMILY FEVER. Here’s a quick intro about me and my family! My name is Kate and I am 28. I am married to the lovely Kevin, and we have 2 gorgeous kids – Gemma is 6 and Jacob is 4. We are…

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