It was only a very short time ago that I was packing my hospital bag, and now I am home with my gorgeous 13 day old baby girl. Since then, the baby hospital bag has been unpacked, and repacked for its daily role as a changing bag, equipped to deal…

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I have used sleeping bags with all of my children, right from the very early days. I have always found them so much more convenient that blankets for a number of reasons – they can’t kick them off, they can’t pull them up over their faces and they just seem…

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Nothing in the world is as delicate or as precious as your baby’s skin.  A newborn’s skin is five times thinner than an adult’s skin and is much more sensitive too.  Yet, despite this, without knowing it, many of us expose our babies’ skin to chemicals every day, stripping baby’s…

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Bibs have always been one of Max’s wardrobe staples. When he was newborn, they served as a mopping up cloth for the milky reflux. When weaning started they were called into play to protect his clothes from food. They are great dribble catchers when he is teething. He wears them…

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Pink Lining are one of my all time favourite companies. I love their seamless pairing of practicality and style. I love their Not so Plain Jane and Mama et Bebe changing bags, and I was over the moon when I heard that they were expanding their range to include a…

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