Living in Devon is great. We love the countryside, the beaches and the beautiful views, as well as the easy access to some of the best walking routes in the country. However, Devon weather can be pretty unpredictable, and so reliable walking boots are vital to allow us to explore…

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As soon as autumn hits, I love getting my boots out, ready for the colder mornings. I am always on the lookout for new boots to see me through the wet school runs and muddy dog walks, while still looking smart enough to wear for work on community days. This…

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We are so lucky to live where we do. Devon boasts so many wonderful things from beaches and moorland, to the wonderful rivers and field we have right on our doorstep – literally. At the end of our road, there is are beautiful, grassy fields with a slow running river…

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It’s about this time of year that I start thinking about winter clothes – swapping the tshirts for wooly jumpers and the flip flops for boots. Even though the sun is still shining there is a chill in the air. Brantano recently sent me a pair of their rather gorgeous…

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Have you heard of Hotter? They are a footwear company. They sell shoes and boots that are all about the comfort – if you are on your feet all day, then Hotter shoes could be for you. Now, I have an admission to make here. I was under the impression…

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