Getting around in the rush hour in Hertfordshire is not easy. Many of the rural roads around the county are poorly maintained and get clogged up by agricultural traffic. Why is it that tractors always seem to appear just when the afternoon school run has begun in earnest? Important routes…

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Some people often ignore or are unaware of the devastating effects the weather has on their vehicles. When you think of the weather and its effects on your vehicle, the first thing that probably comes to your mind is the effects of winter. Did you know that humidity stresses out…

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Leasing a vehicle is basically a form of long term rental. You pay a certain monthly amount to have use of a vehicle for a set amount of time. It is usually cheaper than hire purchase or a credit agreement, and when the time is up you simply give it…

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Looking to buy a family car? With so many makes and models to choose from, you can get quickly overwhelmed. Add the other things you need to consider like the price, safety features, size, shape, number of seats, storage space, and everything else. Whether you are starting or already have…

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Car manufacturers spend billions every year on advertising, and it’s no wonder: the continued survival of the auto industry depends upon persuading a steady stream of consumers to upgrade to the latest, greatest, feature-rich (or feature-ridden) models. Indeed, cars seem to grow more wondrous every year – more elegant, friendlier…

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