Anyone who has ever had the misfortune of suffering from a cold sore will be familiar with just how frustrating they can be and to treat. That frustration can be tenfold when we are talking about a child. Cold sores are a very common ailment, with the World Health Organisation…

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Children are completely dependent on adult care, placing them in a vulnerable situation for the start of life. Providing a layer of protection is a set of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights to which all children are entitled. These rights are enshrined in international law. As a parent,…

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Toys, often considered just playthings, are more than that to the children that grow up loving them. Most adults can remember their favourite toy fondly, and some even still have their favourite toys at home, holding a very real sentimental place in their life. And there’s a good reason for…

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In August 2015, 1000 British mums with a child aged between 2 and 12 were surveyed about their attitude to technology and play. Children these days spend an average of 17 hours a week in front of a screen – that’s almost double the amount of time they spend playing…

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Ecology may seem like a very dry subject, but it is important to teach kids everything that they need to know from a young age. Making them ecologically conscious will pay major dividends later in life. Sometimes environmentally friendly lifestyle may seem like an expense you would rather avoid, but…

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