From time-to-time we all feel the need to make some changes to our homes, but often don’t necessarily have the budget to match! The great thing is that there are often smaller, lower cost changes that you can make that can visually make a big difference! Here are just a…

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There are many ways you can improve and revitalise your home! In this short guide, we’ll explore some examples such as having new flooring fitted or remodelling your kitchen. Firstly, you may wish to have your bathroom renovated. For instance, you could have your shower replaced with a modern, digital,…

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There is nothing quite like finally getting around to completing the home improvement projects that have been taking up your to-do list for months. Whether you need to address some long-overdue repairs or add that much-needed splash of colour to your walls, chances are you will be happy to have…

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Now that we have lived in our new home for 2 years, we are starting to think about some decorating, and ways to put our own stamp on the place. There is a fairly new concept I have come across during my research, about colours – and how the colours…

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  As a lot of you will know, we moved into a new house a couple of years ago. When we first moved in, we left everything exactly as it was while we saved a bit of cash, but now we have been here for a little while, we are…

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