Nowadays, the demands on our attention are near-constant. We mind find from time to time that our minds are running on empty. Stress, fatigue, and other mental health problems, minor and severe, are more common than ever – so what can be done to deal with them? Take in some…

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For many busy parents, the festive hiatus is fantastic for relaxing, taking stock and reassessing life plans. And executing the New Year’s resolutions that emerge from this soul-searching is a traditional way of battling the ‘January blues’. But major lifestyle changes made in haste are often impossible to sustain, so…

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A couple of months ago, I decided to make some lifestyle changes and try to be a bit healthier overall. I joined a Slimming World group, and have been cooking from scratch a lot more, using heaps more fruit and vegetables. I’ve tried to choose healthier snacking options too, opting…

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January is always a bit of a sluggish month for most of us, dragging ourselves back to work after 10 days off stuffing our faces with chocolate and drinking prosecco for breakfast can be a struggle to say the least. But getting yourself back into a routine is important to…

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When it comes to achieving your fitness goals, it’s important that your work out encompasses a wide range of exercises to help you achieve the very best results. Step into any health and fitness centre and you’ll find a vast array of exercise machines that will allow you to enjoy…

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