Have you ever noticed how much stuff accumulates in the bathroom? Our cleansing and beauty regimes require a fair few products; and we also need space to keep the bathroom cleaning products, towels and everything else. Does that mean we have to have a messy and disorganised bathroom, in order…

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Most of you will know how much I love a good canvas picture. My wall is literally covered in canvases – everything from word art to the gorgeous photos my very talented husband has taken over the years. When you have a great image you want put onto canvas, it can…

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Protect your home from a remote location If you’re leaving your home to head off on holiday, for work or to visit friends or family, it’s important that you take the issue of security seriously. If you’re not careful, you may find that while you’re away, your property is targeted…

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I saw a little quote on Facebook the other day that went something like ‘Halloween is over, and from the stroke of midnight all you will hear is Christmas carols.’ Although it made me chuckle, there is an element of truth in that – I bet loads of you nodded…

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I have mixed experiences with wall stickers. We have had some in the past that have just refused to peel off the backing paper, ripping and stretching as you put them on. As well as that, I am useless when it comes to this sort of thing and have had…

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