Over the last few months we have been introducing Max to the idea of potty training. Although he’s not quite there yet, we have definitely made some big leaps forward – he is happy to sit on the potty, he can pull his own pants up and down, he knows…

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I have written before about our preparations for potty training, and these have been underway for a while now. We are taking it very slowly and steadily, and letting Max take the lead. He isn’t quite ready for pants yet, but he is definitely showing a real interest now, especially…

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I can hardly believe I am writing this, but it’s been almost 3 years since I started blogging – 3 years! I honestly don’t know where the time has gone, and I can’t believe how much blogging has given me over those 3 years – an income, the chance to try…

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Just before the big children went back to school, we decided to have one last summer holiday day out as a family before all the back to work and school routine kicked in. I have mentioned before that we are at the very beginning of our potty training journey with…

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Max is now almost 26 months old, and potty training is something we are starting to think about. I don’t think he is quite ready yet, which I am quite glad of with a 3 week old newborn to take care of, but he is definitely showing signs of being…

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