Buying a new house is lots of things – scary, expensive, exciting, stressful. Buying a new build adds even more emotions I think – worry about it all coming together, concerns about the interior being as you have specified, disappointment when completion dates are pushed back. But in the long…

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Our house is currently on the market and we have a plot reserved at a local new build project near us. This is exciting and scary in equal measures, but one of the things I am looking forward to the most is being able to design our home from scratch…

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Curtains can easily make or break a room, can help to create an atmosphere, subdue exterior noise and make a difference to room temperature. If you find the world of window drapes a little bewildering then keep it simple and stick to the basics. From the proportions of your room to…

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I have posted before about my ideas and wish list for the decoration of our living room and although some of the actual painting and dressing ideas have been put on hold until the baby is born (we don’t want to make it all lovely only for a crawling baby to…

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