Autumn is firmly here in all its crisp, colourful glory, and Halloween is just around the corner. To celebrate the changing of the seasons, we have been creating some autumn and Halloween crafts using out latest Bostik craft pack. This is a lovely way to showcase the best of autumn.…

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Back in February, we were sent our first Bostik package as part of the Family Craft bloggers network. You can see the Valentines delights we made here.This months package is all about the spring – think flowers, think Easter, think bright colours.  There was a huge amount of fun stuff in…

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A very exciting crafty type parcel arrived for us last week: I showed the children what we had received, and asked them what they thought we should make. Jacob clocked the hearts straight away, and decided that the crafting should take the form of Valentines cards and gifts. First of…

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This week has been COLD – to put it mildly. We have had our first layer of frost on the ground, and the wooly hats and gloves have been pressed into service. The cold doesn’t stop Gemma and Jacob from wanting to be out and about though. Jacob has been…

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