Having a healthy credit score lets lenders know that you’re responsible borrower. They will use this reference to make sure that you’re a low risk when considering you for a loan, a credit card, or a mortgage. However, each lender has their own system for how they use this information…

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You may have tried a number of money saving methods that just don’t work out for you and it automatically makes you think that there’s no point in trying to save. But there are hundreds of different ways to save money so if you fail at one, don’t worry because…

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Owning a house is expensive, but running a household is even more expensive. From the cost of groceries to in-home entertainment like television and Internet services, the costs can up to the hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars! Thankfully there are all sorts of ways to save money on household expenses.…

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According to figures published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on the 27th of September 2017, a 65-year-old man currently living in the UK might expect to live a further 18½ years and a woman of the same age for almost another 21 years. An altogether more depressing statistic,…

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There is no doubt that teaching children about money is a vital step in preparing children for adult life. According to Shepherds Friendly, 94% of parents say that saving money is important to them, however only 25% regularly discuss the importance of money management and savings with their children. This…

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