Breastfeeding is easy, right? Out pops the baby, you given them a cuddle, plenty of skin to skin and then you pop a boob in their mouth and away you go! Only it’s not always that easy is it? Eliza was born prematurely, and as such her latch wasn’t very…

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The last 4 weeks have flown by, and already our newborn is changing.  Weight: Eliza was born at 6lbs 6oz, but lost quite a bit of weight after her birth due to jaundice and problems with her blood sugars – all fairly typical of a preemie. At day 7 she was…

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When you look back at the things you have achieved in the last few years it can often be mind blowing. This is definitely the case for me. 10 years ago, I had not long met Kevin. We were young and free, and spent a lot of time just going on…

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Having a newborn again has reminded me just how much ‘stuff’ they come with. In theory, all you need for a newborn are a pair of boobs and some nappies, but in practice there are lots of things that make life with a newborn and 3 other children much easier.…

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