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Time is flying past at the moment – I can hardly believe that Eliza has been here for 2 weeks already. This week Kevin went back to work, and I have managed a couple of school runs on my own with all 4 of the children, as well as trying…

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Well – it’s been a mad couple of weeks! Last time I wrote a project 365 post I was talking about it being the beginning of June, and how that was exciting because I was due a baby at the end of June.  That’s not quite what happened. On 3rd…

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Some of you will have noticed I have been somewhat missing in action over the last week. There’s a very good reason for that.  Meet Eliza Grace. Born on the 3rd June 2015 at 6.03pm, weighing 6lb 6oz. She surprised us all by arriving a month before her due date,…

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