Being a mum is a role that is full of compromises and finding quicker ways to do things. Sometimes it’s easier to grab the first items you see rather than browsing in the supermarket aisles because your toddler has a tantrum brewing. Or maybe you’re too harassed to go through…

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As a parent, the thought of your child getting on the road independently can be exciting yet nerve-wracking to say the least. There are plenty of things to cover when teaching a learner driver and while you don’t have to do all of it yourself, it can give your child…

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Do you know, some of the most interesting adults I’ve ever met still don’t know what they want to do with their lives. This revelation dawned on me recently, shortly after making the decision to become a mature student and train as a midwife. For some people, there is only…

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For many parents out there, the school run means one thing; stress! There’s so much to do and get ready, and when the kids are being as difficult as they’ll ever be (trying to skip school, take as long as possible getting ready), tempers can reach peak levels. Still, you…

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There is nothing worse than seeing your child poorly, and for you to feel completely helpless. Children are prone to catching stomach bugs and colds, and even breaking bones as their bodies aren’t quite fully developed yet. Here are just a few tips on how you can really help your…

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