I am a few days late with the bump watch this week, as I actually turned 20 weeks on Monday. However, I wanted to wait before writing this post as Wednesday was scan day! We had a scan appointment in the morning, followed by a meeting with the consultant to…

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Over the last couple of years, subscription boxes have become more and more popular. You can get all sorts now – food boxes, clothing boxes and craft boxes to name but a few. One of the ideas I have recently come across is the pregnancy subscription box from Project B.…

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I can’t believe we are a week into February already – time flies! This weeks project 365 round up features cars, certificates and CAKE!   Day 32 – Sunday afternoon baking at the childrens request – Jacob finally managed to crack an egg without getting it everywhere! Day 33 – The…

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After my other children were born, I suffered with postnatal depression. Of course, no one really knows why this happens, but I believe that a lot of my problems were caused by having children in special care. Despite having 3 babies, I have never been able to hold one of…

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19 weeks – almost halfway! All being well, in just 20 weeks time, I will be meeting my baby. If the next 20 weeks fly by as fast as the last 19 have done, it will be here before I know it. June still seems so far away, but it…

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