27 weeks – according to my pregnancy app this is the start of the third trimester. Eeek – it’s getting closer, and with a planned C section booked at 39 weeks, this means no more than 12 weeks to go!  I am trying to get a bit more organised now.…

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Last year saw me attend my first ever baby show. I don’t know how, with 3 young children, but somehow I had never been to one before, and I really wasn’t sure what to expect. In essence, I found it to be a valuable place for parents and parents to…

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I’m not OK. Is it OK to say that? I am 26 weeks pregnant with a happy healthy baby. I should be grateful – and I am. Believe me, I am. But I am also exhausted, struggling to sleep, struggling to manage work, the washing, cleaning, cooking, shopping. I am…

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Another week, another bump watch. 26 weeks already! I am definitely feeling bigger now. Getting comfortable is harder, and it takes a lot of shuffling around and rearranging of pillows in bed before I can get to sleep. Even sitting on the sofa to watch TV is harder as I…

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It’s week 11 of project 365 a;ready, and time seems to be both flying and dragging. The weeks are passing in a flash but it still seems a long time until June and baby 4. Day 67 – We made lemon and raisin cupcakes today – they were delicous! Day…

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