This week is week 3 of our Maxi Cosi challenge. In week 1 we unpacked our new pushchair and week 2 saw us discovering hidden treasures in our town.This weeks challenge? Take a trip across town, see how the Loola copes, how it handles different terrains, and how easy it is to transport. Challenge…

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Last week we received our new Maxi Cosi Loola pushchair. Our first challenge as Maxi Cosi reporters was to unpack and assemble our pushchair – you can see how we got on with Challenge 1 here. Then came the email with Challenge 2 – ‘Hidden Treasures’. We have been challenged to…

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I was very excited to be picked as one of the 10 new Maxi-Cosi reporters last week. We will be testing out the new and improved Loola pushchair, Maxi Cosi foldable carrycot and baby nest.As Maxi Cosi reporters, we will be completing a series of challenges over the coming weeks.…

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Kiddy is one of the best known manufacturers of car seats in Germany, and they have now branched out into Kiddy UK. They provide car seats, strollers and accessories to many parents, and they pride themselves on their innovative designs and safety features. We were recently asked to review some…

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