Welcome to Tried & Tested Tuesday!  It’s so lovely to see so many familiar faces and new ones linking up each week – we really enjoy seeing the range of products you have been trying out. We do our best to visit you all each week, but sometimes broken laptops…

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I always use a case on my iPad – with 3 children and my own ability to drop almost everything, it was a necessity. Up until now, I have been using the official Apple iPad Smart case  purely because it was on offer when I got my iPad and it…

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This months review round up focuses on products that are in and around the kitchen.  Method fresh currant hand wash I wash my hands countless times a day, and so something that not only cleans my hands but leaves them feeling soft and smelling great is a must. This fresh…

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Over the last few months I have become more and more interested in photography – not just for my blog but for our own pictures too. Kevin is a fantastic photographer and I have learnt a lot from him – and now we have upgraded our previous DSLR to an…

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I love babywearing. I never really did it with my older 2 but Max has been carried on a fairly regular basis over the last 15 months. We have used a variety of carriers and wraps over that time (take a look here to see what we have used previously). I…

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