Keeping the children in clothes and shoes is SO expensive. They grow so fast, and outfits need replacing regularly. Then there’s all the stuff they need for school; uniforms, sports kits, blazers and ties. Let’s not forget all the kit for after school clubs such as football, Guides, swimming and…

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You may have tried a number of money saving methods that just don’t work out for you and it automatically makes you think that there’s no point in trying to save. But there are hundreds of different ways to save money so if you fail at one, don’t worry because…

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Owning a house is expensive, but running a household is even more expensive. From the cost of groceries to in-home entertainment like television and Internet services, the costs can up to the hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars! Thankfully there are all sorts of ways to save money on household expenses.…

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I’ve read that it can cost up to £200,000 to raise a child from birth to twenty-one. It’s a wonder that any of us manage to do it, nor is it surprising that however much money you’ve got coming in, there never seems to be quite enough for all the…

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With Christmas just a few weeks away, getting everything that you need for the big day can be an expensive experience. If you’re suffering with a poor credit rating, then you may not have the luxury of being able to put all your festive purchases on your credit card to…

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