One thing we have discovered since moving into our new build house is just how little storage there is. The room sizes are great – until you have to put in a load of drawers and wardrobes to store everything in! There are ways to make things more practical though,…

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Nurseries deserve more attention to detail than many other rooms. It is mainly because babies are more sensitive to the ambience than adults are. They may not react to the outside world in the same way, or we may not understand their reactions and responses, but it is up to us…

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No matter how hard you try, it seems like you can never keep the kids’ room tidy when they share with siblings. Actually, there are some tips and tricks you could try which make it easier to keep each child’s belongings separate whilst making it possible to get more things…

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We have so much stuff in this house. Living with 4 small children means lots of toys, games, puzzles, teddies and household bits such as bedding and swim kits. Finding good, spacious storage can be really tough, and now we are in our lovely new home, I want it to look…

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Having kids creates a whole host of storage issues. You need to find space for the pushchair and car seat, the nappies and wipes, the Lego and the dolls. So how did our ancestors deal with their storage needs? Maybe we could pick up a few tips? Provided by Ready…

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