Let’s talk about Lottie. Some of you will know that I am a Lottie Doll ambassador. We have had a fair few dolls over the years, but here’s why Lottie is our favourite: She has a child like body. Lottie’s body is based on the average proportions of a 9 year…

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Jacob was always a Thomas fan when he was younger, and still likes it now (although he wouldn’t admit it, he is far too cool for that 😉 ). Max has also recently become really interested in our Thomas trains, the tracks that are in the playroom and Thomas shows…

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Day 4 – Cold, wet and windy but that didn’t stop the children from getting outside and testing out the remote control car that Jacob got for Christmas. Day 5 – I am 15 weeks pregnant! You can read my latest update here. Day 6 – Max is always stealing the childrens DS…

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Both Gemma and Jacob like The Littlest Pet Shop, and enjoy watching it on TV. When we were sent some of the play sets for review, there were plenty of squabbles about who got to play with what, but in the end everyone settled down, and we set about building…

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It’s cold, the evenings are getting darker, there is less chance to play in the garden and the kids are constantly bored. Sound familiar? Now is the time to dig out the indoor toys, things that will keep the little ones occupied even when it’s chucking down outside. Here are…

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