Although weaning is a messy time, especially if you do baby led weaning, the after weaning period is just as messy too. Toddlers still eat with their hands, they still drop food down their front, they still haven’t quite mastered a spoon yet and they still spill drinks. So…

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When we first started weaning Max we used the Ella’s Kitchen pouches – he loved the fruity, tasty and smooth texture and we loved the fact that they were full of goodness and easy to use on the go. I recently heard about the new toddler snack range from Ella’s Kitchen,…

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Since Max started weaning, we have tried all manner of toddler snacks, cups, bowls and bibs. There have been a few favourites – Max loves the Organix red pepper hearts and I have always been a big fan of Nuby for their leak proof beakers and catch all bibs. I have teamed…

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Max is a really good eater, and so far has eaten everything we have tried him with. At lunch and dinner times he eats family meals with the rest of us, but breakfast time is a bit different, as everyone tends to have something different. We seem to collect cereals,…

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Over the last few weeks, Max has suddenly changed. I feel like I no longer have a baby, but a toddler who knows his own mind, is using some words, almost walking – and now feeding himself and drinking from an open cup. He has been trying to feed himself…

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