When weaning, we have always started off with a traditional highchair, and then progressed to a booster seat as soon as the children were big enough. We have done the same with Max this time, and for the last couple of weeks he has been trying out the Tomy Cars…

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Over the last few months, regular readers will have been following our weaning story. With Gemma and Jacob we tended to follow the ‘traditional’ weaning approach – a mix of spoon fed purees and finger foods. Max has been a much more baby led approach. We noticed at an early…

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I have always looked to the supermarket brands for my baby shopping. They tend to be much cheaper, readily available and do the job of bigger brands just as well. We were recently sent some goodies from the Tesco Loves Baby range – and I have to say, I wasn’t disappointed! Tesco…

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I am a huge fan of Plum Baby. They use the type of simple, honest organic ingredients that I would choose to cook at home, meaning that any Plum pouches I use are the sort of food I feel comfortable giving to Max.  We were sent some of the new Plum Baby organic…

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Max is now an established, weaned little boy who has mastered eating through baby-led weaning. He eats family meals, he will snack on whatever we have in the cupboards and he drinks water independentley from a cup. Tesco is celebrating all things weaning and feeding at their first ever Baby…

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