For the first time in a long time, this weekend has been free of appointments, visits and things that need doing, and has been a lovely chance for us to spend some time together, just the 5 of us. Nothing too exciting happened, but just simple, family fun. We went…

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This week has been COLD – to put it mildly. We have had our first layer of frost on the ground, and the wooly hats and gloves have been pressed into service. The cold doesn’t stop Gemma and Jacob from wanting to be out and about though. Jacob has been…

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This week sees me linking up with a fabulous new linky over at The Reading Residence – Word of the Week. Summing up my week in just one word. This week, my word would be: As in fresh start, fresh new year, fresh new plans. I have SO much planned for this…

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I have recently discovered the lovely new linky over at Adventures of a Monkey Footed Mummy – Thankful Thursday. Just a place to link up and share what you are thankful for this week. For me, this week is an easy one. I am thankful for the fact that my husband gets…

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It’s a new year, and a new start. And one of the things I have been meaning to blog for ages is our ‘bucket list’ – put quite simply, this is a list of things we would like to achieve. This bucket list will see us through the winter, and…

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