Baby watch – 8 months old

Max has been with us for 8 months now. 8 whole months. It has come and gone in a flash, and before I know it he will be 1. THIS YEAR he will be 1. That’s both exciting and scary in equal measures.

He has learnt A LOT since my last baby update when Max had just learnt to sit up and eat with his hands. New things this month include:

  • Crawling – well to a degree. He can turn himself over onto his hands and knees from a sitting position, and then move his arms and legs in the correct fashion. Only slight issue is – he goes backwards. It is ever so funny to watch his little face as he attempts to get to something but actually ends up further away. Bless him. I am sure he will crack it soon!

  • Eating. Really eating. This little baby who started off life as an underweight, reflux baby who, in the words of a rather delightful health visitor, ‘failed to thrive’ is now eating me out of house and home. Milk holds little interest for him any more – he would much rather be exploring a banana or a stick of pepper. 
  • First words. On New Years Day I got up and bought Max into bed with us for an early morning cuddle. He sat on my lap, tugged at Kevin’s arm and said ‘Dada’. Clear as day. Since then he has not stopped making new sounds – lots and lots of babbling, chattering and screeching. Lovely to see him exploring sounds and trying to engage us in conversation. 
  • Being into EVERYTHING. Literally. Now he can move himself about a bit, he is desperate to explore. Trying to climb up chair legs, rolling himself over and over to reach something he wants, and exploring things in new and interesting ways!
  • Practicing those fine motor skills. Trying, trying, trying to pick up tiny bits and pieces from his highchair tray. Not quite there yet, but you can’t knock his efforts! 

So there you have it. 8 months old, and so much learnt already. Exploring, discovering. 8 months old, and heading rapidly towards a year. There is so much more fun to be had with this little one!



  1. January 9, 2014 / 11:10 am

    What a fabulous post and man, he’s a little heart breaker isn’t he! I was never a fan of the so called ‘wise words’ of Doctors and Health Visitors. Not thriving indeed! Look at his smile! haha! Love it. Thanks for linking up to #MMWBH hun xx

  2. January 9, 2014 / 4:35 pm

    awww Kate what a lovely post honey, time really does go so fast doesnt it xx

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