Book review round up & win a copy of ‘Beyond the Sling’

I love a good book, and my children have inherited that trait. Gemma and Jacob nearly always take a book to bed with them, and a bedtime story is part of our nightly routine. This week’s story of choice has been ‘ Madeleine Goes to the Moon’.

A lovely story about a little girl who uses her imagination to create a rocket from the things in her room, and heads off to explore outer space, where she meets aliens and sees many exciting things which are all created from the toys in her room. I love the story behind the book, the fact that childrens imaginations can take them anywhere they want to go. Since reading this book, we have built our own rocket out of boxes and sofa cushions and the children have been blasting off to the moon, meeting alien teddies and collecting moon rock building blocks. 

Madeleine goes to the moon book review

Madeleine goes to the moon book review

Madeleine goes to the moon book review

The book is beautifully illustrated in a way that appeals to both adults and children, and really helps to tell the story. The gently rhyming text is a pleasure to read, and easy for the kids to follow, understand and read for themselves. As Max gets bigger, I think he will also enjoy the rhymes.

Once the children are safely tucked up in bed, I love nothing more than settling down with a good book myself. My current book of choice is ‘Beyond the Sling’ – a real life guide to raising confident, loving children the attachment parenting way.

Beyond the Sling book

I have never classed myself as a full blown ‘attachment parent’ but I have certainly followed a lot of the principles. I believe in breastfeeding, baby wearing and bonding. I believe in bringing up my children in a gentle way, and not setlling for being a ‘good enough’ parent, but believing that I know my children well enough to be a great parent for them. I trust my instincts and I follow my own advice rather than the development records.

Beyond the Sling is right up my street, it focuses on how to be the parents that nature intended us to be, and how to make an attachment parenting lifestyle work for you on an everyday level as your children grow up. There are some useful tips, things you may not have thought of trying yourself, and some first hand experiences which bring this book to life. 

If you would like to win a copy of ‘Beyond the Sling’ for yourself, then enter my giveaway now – and don’t forget to tell your friends about it too!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Terms and conditions – open to UK residents. Competition closes on 19/11 and winner will be selected from all correctly completed entries and contacted by email. Winner must claim their prize within 10 days or it may be redrawn. Prize supplied directly from Pinter & Martin. Win competitions at



  1. Pamela Risk
    November 18, 2014 / 5:50 pm

    Talk to each other

  2. carol boffey
    November 18, 2014 / 6:54 pm

    always cuddle

  3. martina whiffin
    November 18, 2014 / 7:27 pm

    Baby wear it is so.amazingly wonderful.everyone must try it

  4. Barbara Handley
    November 18, 2014 / 8:32 pm

    Always make sure children know they are loved.

  5. Holly Boyd
    November 18, 2014 / 9:45 pm

    Try to take everything in your stride.

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